November 17 2008

What a MAN!!!

You know what I love about the site I am sooooo blessedly on the Design Team for? Scrap Therapy has an awesome Manufacturer of the Month thing going on … affectionately called the MAN of the month. The forum is buzzing every month, just before the announcement, not only trying to guess the real MAN (as in scrapping manufacturer) but also coming up with a new MAN – a real life, hot, often shirtless one – that Julie will scrap into a cute little ATC each month. It seriously rocks! Check out the Scrap Therapy blog for this month’s MAN … nice, very nice!

So, the REAL MAN of the month is one of my faves … American Crafts!! Gotta love the colours. Gotta love the variety. Gotta love the ALBUMS!!!! Gotta love the cardstock. And, most importantly – GOTTA LOVE THE THICKERS! The really exciting thing is that every month, the MAN of the Month is on sale – 20%! (hence the shirtless thing, I think. 20% off … roughly 20% of the outfit would be a shirt … get it? Yeah, I know, I’m grasping at straws … shutting up now. lol) So, this month American Crafts is on sale at 20% off the prices listed in store – the reduced price will come up as you go through checkout. This applies to everything but the cardstock, which is already at the rediculously low price of 55cents, so buy up big on that anyway!

Here are a couple of MAN Creations that I’ve done so far – both are using the Amplified range, which is vibrant and gorgeous, but also really versatile. So many of the sheets in this range are embossed, die cut, or foiled – just beautiful! I’ve also used the obligatory Thickers, and the journalling blocks are done using the AC clear stickers – love them to bits!

This one isn’t AC, but I wanted to share it anyway – this was a layout I did just after attending the Relay for Life in Blacktown. It was such an emotional event, and I came home finally ready to scrap this amazing man. Love ya, Pa! (Basic Grey Granola, in case you were wondering!)

Ok, that’s about it for me … I’ve got so much going on here at the moment I can’t even see straight! Reports to write, stuff to scrap, floors to mop, kids to nurse (Kieran has tonsilitis again, Tayla has an allergic reaction to something, and I’m feeling crappy!) and at some point in all that I need to remember to breathe. So what do I do? That’s right, I blog … of course! LOL

Oh, a quick note – I haven’t forgotten about the rak draw for people who donated to the head shave thing for breast cancer research … I’m just waiting on a few names from our lovely GNI organisers, and I’ll get it done.

K, all, off I go – cya later! Mwah!!

October 23 2008

Yumm …

I’m so in love with Peters Creme brulee icecream right now- and my husband for getting it for me! What a legend – I love that man! (even if he does have longer hair than me … he he)

I’ve been having some fun scrapping this week – some stuff I can’t share just yet, so keep an eye out for that soon, but here is some stuff I can share!
I did both these layouts for the CC at LSBS, and I love them! The “In focus” one was thanks to a colour challenge set by the beautiful Tracy, and I just love it – it is something I would normally never do! The other one was done in my effort to use up my stash, so I can feel a bit better about just having placed a couple of orders … lol. So, Goofy Girl is mostly Fancy Pants, with some Heidi and American Crafts alphas, just in case you were wondering! lol I also used up a HEAP of Love Elsie papers I had sitting here – I don’t feel so bad about buying the whole Melissa Frances Thankful range now! Actually, I didn’t feel bad about buying it anyway – it’s too nice for words. So pretty and girly -really me. Plus, I got some of the vintage trims and embellishments, and some ticket tags … watch out for some baldy pics scrapped in pretty pink coming soon to a computer screen near you! lol

These two layouts aren’t mine, as much as I’d like to take credit for them. Kelsey did these – isn’t she a talented little cookie? She was given an 8.5×11 album for her birthday last year, and she loves scrapping that size. Her album is almost full, and she’s decided she wants a ring-binder one next – seriously, how many 8 year olds decide they want to upgrade their scrapping albums for christmas? Too funny!

So, back to work this week with no hair – and the reaction I got from the kids was overwhelming! One girl was in tears – she couldn’t believe that someone would willingly do that to their hair. The best reaction, though, came from one of our resident bad-boys. He had been kicked out of class, and was on his way to see the deputy principal, and I was walking the same way. I’d just put a bandanna on, because my head was FREEZING (we’ve had a cold snap here this week – just my luck!) and he told me that he’d just brought the same bandanna for his Nan, because she has cancer. I told him why I was wearing it, and why I’d shaved my head, and this tough guy who takes everyone on whenever he gets a chance said “you’re a f*cking legend Miss.”So there you go … I’m a legend!! lol Moments like that – that’s why I love my job. Something little, a seemingly insignificant conversation in the corridor, and it makes a connection. And that’s what teaching is all about – making the most of those little connections in the hope that when it matters, you can make a big difference. Moments like that make me LOVE teenagers – they swear heaps, they give you attitude like you wouldn’t believe, but they are honest and appreciative when it counts. I wouldn’t work anywhere else! (NOTE TO SELF: RE-READ THIS NEXT TIME YOU ARE HAVING A SHITTY DAY/ WEEK/ MONTH/ TERM/ YEAR AT WORK!)

K, I’m off to play with my new pretty things! Take care, luv ya, thanks for stopping by!

October 19 2008

A new ‘do.

What a couple of days. I can’t really begin to tell you all how touched I am at this point. I’ve been planning the head shave for a couple of weeks now, and we were supposed to be doing it next weekend, but I got a phonecall on Thursday night to say that Shelley’s hair was starting to come out, and I thought we’d be moving it forward. So, yesterday, the scissors came out, the clippers were plugged in, and the hair was cut. And I love it! Not the type of haircut I’d normally ask for, but it feels really cool, and I’m so honoured to have been able to do this for someone amazing.
So, speaking of amazing people … there are a lot of them out there! On Friday night, Tracy Belinda and I headed off to Canon headquarters for a Scrapbooking Memories Pixma party, and got to chat to a truly wonderful woman. Melissa Frances (you can can check out her website if you don’t know her!) was there with her fiance Brian, and we had the chance to talk to them thoughout the night. Melissa shared her experiences as a breast cancer survivor, and it was very touching. It also gave me hope – we’ve been focusing on now with Shelley, and not so much on the future, and this reminded me why it’s important that we raise money for research into this disease, so that there are more stories like hers. Anyway, we told her about my impending shave, and I was really honoured by her reaction. To be told what a truly special thing it was by someone who would know what that would mean to a breast cancer sufferer … it really touched me. It was an evening I won’t forget in a hurry!

Other amazing people at the SM party … well, there were heaps. I felt so privileged to be there among all these names that I recognised from the mags, or the forums, and whose work I admired. The awesome Sara Pearcy, looking totally glowing (partly due to the projector shining in her face! lol) gave us some great tips on photography. We got to play with some AWESOME printers … omg, A3+ sized photos onto rag paper – I’m in love! And, I’ve found glossy prints that make me happy in my heart!!

So saturday … I was stressing out a bit because we didn’t know when we were doing the shave. It was looking like we were going to be waiting till today, and I was SOOO ready to go. Then my sis rang me and said “do you want to come down here now and we’ll do it?” I was there in a shot. I tell you, we have some seriously funny photos from during – never in my life have I had short hair like it was after we hacked off the plaits. Or a mowhawk. Or a racing stripe down the middle! In fact, my mum came down to watch because she’s never seen my head – I was born with a heap of thick black hair, so this is officially the first time my scalp has seen the light of day! And I’ve gotta tell you, I really liked it short – I’m looking forward to it getting a bit longer than it is now so I can play around with some different hairstyles!!

So the wierd – well, I didn’t realise how much like velcro my head would be. Seriously, taking my hat off at softball – it was EXACTLY like ripping the two sides of velcro apart. Freaky! Or, how much my head would stick to my pillow case. We shaved with the clippers, then when I got home I went over it again with a razor, but my hair is so thick that there is still the tiniest bit of stubble. Oh yeah – I have something cool to share! I have a new weight loss tip. Firstly, what you do is grow your hair for most of your life, with only occasional trims chucked in. You make sure you are born with rediculously thick hair. And then, you shave it all off. Hey presto, you’ll be almost 2 kilos lighter. Seriously! I weighed myself before and after, and it was 1.85kilos difference. Too funny!

So, you’re really only here to see photos aren’t you? Well, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to – TAMARA’S HEAD!!

The bottom pic is me, Shelley in the middle, and my sister. Aren’t we a sexy bunch?? lol

Oh, yeah – the Girl’s Night In yesterday! I’d like to say a massive thankyou to Karryn and Gill for an amazing job, and to all the sponsors that provided awesome prizes. Also to Cath at LSBS for her contribution to the night. It was wonderful to be a part of such an amazing group of women who were happily giving to a good cause, and I felt so overwhelmed walking in to a massive round of applause … I can’t even begin to tell you all what the comments and support meant to me, I feel really touched. It was great to share a table with some beautiful people too – Michelle, Steph and Missty were great scrapping companions, thanks girls! I hope I didn’t take up too much of the table.

And now for the thankyous. Thanks to everyone who has supported me, either through your well-wishes, or your financial contributions. Big or small, they have all made a difference, and added to our total which I THINK is getting very close to $1500. It’s still not too late to make a donation … check out the next post down for the link to donate straight to our Girl’s Night In page, via the Cancer Council’s totally secure Credit card donation site, and they’ll email you a PDF tax invoice straight away, so you can claim it back on your tax next year – gotta love that!! Otherwise, email me and I’ll give you some bank details, if you’d rather not use your CC online. Don’t forget to leave me a comment if you do make a donation, so I can add your name into the draw for one of a few little prizes I have to give away – a personalised button cupboard (you can see my version in the next post down too) and some scrapping packs, as well as some nice little pamper packs. I also have a Red Earth hair care pack here that I was given a little while ago, which I don’t think I need any more – it’s been opened so I could smell the yumminess, but not used! lol

I think that’s it for me now – I’m off to moisturise my head. I didn’t pull my camera out at all at either the SM or GNI events, so if you were there, and got photos, please email them to me! (I know there are some photos of me from the GNI – I felt like I was surrounded by the paparazzi when I arrived! LOL)

And if you are still reading at this point, well done – give yourself a pat on the back! I wonder if this is my longest blog post to date!

October 9 2008

Bye bye hair!!

I just want to show you all a picture …

That’s me with hair. In fact, that was me at the beginning of the year with hair – it’s a bit longer now!

Take a good look, because it won’t be there for long! On Saturday October 25th, it’s all coming off. You can read a few posts down about a chick I love to bits – my sister-in-law, Shelley, is undergoing chemo at the moment, fighting Breast Cancer, and my sister and I were talking about shaving our heads to support her. Well, I’m doing it, and I figure with this much hair, I might as well try and raise a bit of money for research as well. A couple of friends are running a Girls Night In event on the 17th of October, and they’ve let me link my impending baldness to their event – they’ve even kicked off the donations!

So, if you’d like to help out an awesome cause, and help me feel a little bit better about losing my beloved hair, I’d so love you to be a part of this!

There are a couple of ways you can support the cause … go to the following link:
You’ll find the details for the event that’s taking place next weekend, and there is also a link for you to donate using your credit card – it’s totally secure, and you’ll recieve a tax receipt in the mail. Yes, donations over $2 are tax deductible, you’ve gotta love that! You can also come along to the GNI, for some paper-crafting fun (if you’re into that kind of thing! lol). Gill and Karyn have organised heaps of awesome prizes, and some great classes, so it’s going to be a great event.
You can also check out the FACEBOOK PAGE or LIVE PAGE for more details about the event.

If you’d like to donate, but aren’t comfortable about putting your CC details in over the internet, please email me – [email protected]. Gill has set up a bank account to take donations directly, so can give you those details. Any donation, big or small, will be greatly appreciated, and every cent makes a difference.

I’d also like to give a huge thanks to Leeanne at Scrap Therapy, who is letting me advertise this on the forum. I know that she’s a huge supporter of the cause, so keep your eyes peeled, there might be another way you can support Breast cancer research, and also your scrapping habit, coming soon!

I also have a special thanks to any of my awesome scrapping friends, or people who I don’t know yet from the scrapping world who pop in and support this. I’ve just completed a really cool little botton cupboard, using some great products from Scrap Therapy, and I have a spare one of these cupboards, not yet decorated. This is what mine looks like:

If you make a donation, and post a comment here to let me know, once the deed is done, I’ll be drawing a name out of a hat, and you’ll receive a personally decorated cupboard, done to your specifications! If you want it the same as this, that’s no drama, but if you’d prefer other colours in the paint (I think hot pink under a black crackle would look awesome!!) or in the paper behind the jars, I’ll do it to your specifications. No, the buttons and jars aren’t included – you’ll have to provide them yourself. lol
I also have a couple of other little goodies that will be making there way to a new home, so if you make a donation, please let me know so I can pop your name in the draw!

So, that’s what’s happening so far – I’ll keep you updated with any new developments. Thanks in advance for supporting such an awesome cause – and keep an eye out here on Saturday 25th of October for post-shave pictures!
October 4 2008

Some scrappy weekend stuff

It’s cybercrop weekend at Scrap Therapy this weekend – lots of cool ROCKtober challenges! If you need some scrapping time, head on over. The first game was run and won last night, but there is bingo tonight, 7pm NSW time, so pop on in to the forum and make sure you PM me your list of bingo words before we start! There is also an extra challenge this afternoon, in honour of World Card Making day, and some extra giveaway prizes from a few of the DT members, which will be taking place periodically over the weekend – we have some extra Sass Lass goodies that we didn’t use from our DT packs, so we are sharing the love!

Here is the layout I did for my theme challenge – you need to use the word “ROCK” somewhere in your journalling, song lyrics for your title, and curves somewhere. I love these pics of Tay, and the Sass Lass papers are too nice for words. They are on sale until tomorrow night – 20% off – so don’t miss out if you want some!

This one is one that I did for the monthly Write Stuff challenge in the forum … to do a layout with no photos. I’m really happy with how it turned out!
I’ve been having a great time this week – school holidays, so I’ve been scrapping up a storm. Lot’s of new MAN of the month goodness … I’ll share those layouts after tomorrow night, and the big announcement at Therapy.
I took the kids to Taronga Zoo yesterday, with my sister’s childcare centre. I was helping supervise a group of 10 little girls, including my 2. We managed to lose Tayla near the gorillas (appropriate really!) and then both Kelsey and Tayla near the penguins – they got caught up listening to the keeper talk. Yes, I was very stressed – not nearly as stressed as poor little Tay the first time though! They had only just noticed we were gone at the penguins when I got back there, thank goodness. One good thing about it was that as much as Tay was stressed, she did the right thing – went and found a keeper, and told them she couldn’t find me, and showed them the phone number. The girls were just starting to talk to the penguin keeper when I went back around the corner. So, all those talks about what to do if you are separated paid off!
I got some great photos – loving the Canon EOS 350D! Man, it’s heavy though – I didn’t realise until I spent a whole day with it around my neck. I’ve just ordered some great accessories through an online camera store – a lens hood, card reader, new memory card, some filters, and something else … it’s bad when you can’t remember huh?? lol It was heaps cheaper than I’ve found them anywhere else, so I’ll definitely be going back there when I need/want more camera goodness!
Ok, I’m off to scrap a bit – and set an alarm on my phone! We have to pick up Kieran after a week at cadets camp. He’s going to stink! lol But I know he will have had a great time. Catch you all later!
September 20 2008

An update of sorts.

Well, Kylie gave me a kick up the butt, so I’m updating for her! Are you happy? lol

It’s been a week of … well, stuff. Not so great stuff. Some awesome stuff. Lots of stuff. Hmmm.

Tayla turned 6 last week, and had been counting down to it for ages! It almost felt like a non-event really, because the anticipation had been so high. She did, however, get her most-requested gift – FLOWERS. In fact, she got 2 bunches, so she was feeling mightily spoilt. And, she’s taller – measurably so! lol She can now sit on the seats at Red Rooster and her feet touch the floor, which they didn’t before, she reliably informed us. So, definitely getting taller and taller in her old age.

September is a big birthday month around here – 2 more to come along were Shelley, my sister-in-law, and Dennis. Shelley’s birthday is the day after Tayla’s, so they shared a special dinner, and we went out for the second night in a row, on a school night no less – it’s no wonder Tay feels so much more grown up now! Dennis’ bday is a week after Shelley’s, and really marked a sad time for us all … not because of his getting older (although I think that was sad for him) but because it coincided with us receiving some horrid news. Shelley has Inflammatory Breast Cancer. If you haven’t heard of this particularly horrid form of breast cancer before, then you should really check out this video:
If you are a woman, or you know a woman (and that should cover you all, huh?) it’s really important to be aware of this … as much as we all know by now about the usual ways of keeping on top of changes in your breasts, this is one that probably wouldn’t occur to a lot of people.

Shelley is my sister’s partner, and they are so totally devoted to each other. My sister had a baby earlier this year, and they, along with Shelley’s two grown sons, are such a wonderful family. It’s going to be a horrid time ahead, and we are praying for miracles, but we are all scared … this is a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer, already at Stage 4 and most likely in the lymph nodes.
Telling my kids was sadly not the hardest thing I’ve had to do this year … and that’s too tragic for words! We went back to Lithgow, where we used to live, last night, for a couple of reasons (I’ll talk about them soon!) so I decided to tell them in the car – at least then, I could concentrate on driving while I was talking, and I’d be less likely to burst into tears, which has happened a lot the past couple of days. I know, it’s worth crying over, but I also know that my kids have been through a lot this year. I do want them to be aware of what’s going on, as they are going to see her a lot, and need to know why she is sick from the chemo, but I also want them not to be too upset and alarmed unless there is a reason for them to be … does that make sense? It went as well as that type of conversation can go. The heart-breaking bit was when Kelsey said “mummy, thank goodness Tayla doesn’t know what that word can mean, but I do. I hope that doesn’t happen, because we’ve been sad enough.” I almost lost it – thank goodness for the road! She’s taking the whole praying/being positive/helping whenever we can thing very seriously, the little darling. I’m with her … we’ve been sad enough this year, I don’t think any of us can grieve any more at this point! So, if you are the praying type, they’d all be appreciated. I’m at the point where I just don’t feel like I know how to pray, so I’m crying, and just saying “please God” over and over. I think he’ll get the message though.

So, this weekend – more mixed stuff! Today was the last of the girls’ slightly more informal physical culture competitions, before Champion Girl ones start, and they had a great time – Grandma even came to watch them, which they loved! Kelsey did as well as Kelsey always does – had a ball, grooved along in her own little world, tried her best, and came away with another participation badge to add to her collection. She had a ball! Tayla, on the other hand – she’s very competitive. She was soooo convinced that she was going to get First this time – she came third and fourth at the last 2 comps. I kept telling her that she should just concentrate on doing her best, and having a good time, like I always do, but once her section started, it became very obvious that she was likely to get her goal. She is soooooo good! She just seems to switch on. And, she came first. She was so proud of herself – it was really cute!

So, that was the good. The not so good … today was the day we put Pa’s ashes in the memorial wall. Well, some people did anyway. I got there after it was all over, as there was a mixup with the times, and it was on an hour before I could make it there. So I arrived to see his new resting place. And it’s nice. He’d like it. He’s back at home – my grandparents have lived on the South Coast of NSW for years now, but Portland has always been home. I took some photos of the wall, and the scenery around it, and some great “Pa’s hometown” pics- the cement works where he worked for most of his life, the town pool that he helped raise funds for, the house he lived in. And it feels right, him being back in Portland. I’m still a bit bitter about missing the service, especially after hearing at dinner tonight with the family how nice it was, and that everyone got to hold the urn before it was place in the wall … but that’s ok, I’ll get over that. I spent a bit of time gathering some photographic memories of my Pa. And they’ll last me a lifetime.

I’m treasuring memories at the moment – I’ve been so aware of the fact that the time we have here is precious, and that we need to grab hold of them whenever we can. So, here are a few special moments I’ve been scrapping lately. Just some random, fun, wonderful memories that I’m going to treasure. Because they all should count, huh?

I wasn’t really sure about the “Dream” one, but it’s growing on me – normally I’d cut the crap out of this paper, but it just seems to work. I can just imagine all this stuff going on in her head while she’s sleeping – nothing Tayla does is ever simple and uncomplicated! lol

The two bright ones are using the new Sassafras Lass papers, which are on sale this month at Scrap Therapy, so if you are feeling the need for some retail therapy check them out. (New thickers too … who could resist? Not me!) There is also some great stuff going on in the forum too – new challenges, new competition, it’s full steam ahead! I may have mentioned I love Scrap Therapy before … let me tell you why. It’s not just because of the top products, service, etc etc. It’s because the people there, from the top down, CARE about you. And I’ve felt very loved and supported over there. I know that I’m among friends. And I’ve made some awesome friendships there that will last me a lifetime. I’m so grateful for them – from Therapy mum, to fellow Design Therapists, and the therapy attendees. Love you all heaps girls, if you are reading this!

Ok, that’s my emotional purge for the night, I’m heading off to bed. Take care of you and yours. And tell them you love them. NOW! Don’t wait for a time when it feels like it’s your last chance. Do it now. Do it often.
July 27 2008

It’s sunday again!

The only thing wrong with a sunday is the day that follows it. Sigh.

Man, what a weekend! Tayla had a gymnastics competition yesterday. It was a State Trial. I have NEVER seen this confident little girl so nervous or excited. She’s viewing this as good practice for when she has to do trials to get into the Olympics, God love her. The girl has ambition! Tay is only 5, and trains once a week, whereas most of the other girls competing in her division are a year or 2 older, and train 2 or 3 times a week. We made the decision at the end of last year to only put her in one class, as she started school this year, which wasn’t really popular with a couple of the coaches, but I think we made the right decision! Anyway, she is still really little, but she does so well in all her apparatus. The only thing she struggles with is the bars – the little monkey loves them, but there is a particular skill, the pullover, which she has never been able to do. It involves jumping up and pulling herself over the bar, legs going around first, if that makes sense … anyway, it’s very tough for her little muscles. Last comp she had to have a coach help her, and she has been getting very frustrated that she can’t do it by herself. Well, yesterday at the competition, my little legend DID A PULLOVER ALL BY HERSELF! She did it in her practice run, and I thought her face was going to split in two, her grin was that big. So then, the judged turn, she went do to it, but couldn’t – her feet dropped back to the floor again. Her coach stepped in to help her, but she had another go, and she DID IT AGAIN!!! She was just over the moon. She did so well on all her apparatus, and didn’t fall of the beam, which disappointed her at the last comp. She didn’t place, and she didn’t get selected for the next trial, but does that matter to her? Not at all. Her beaming smile hasn’t dimmed at all since yesterday, and she tells everyone who’ll listen that she’s sooooooo proud of herself because she did something she’s never been able to do before, and she did her best routines ever. Gotta love that! That’s what junior sports should be about, don’t you think? I just hope she keeps that attitude as she goes on.

Here she is after having done her pullover by herself … she told me on the way home that she wants this one enlarged so she can scrap it. What a cutie!

This weekend has been the announcement of the winner of the Make Believe Masters at Scrap Therapy, and the very talented winner of this years’ competition is the wonderful Mandy! There have been a series of surprise challenges this weekend too, and a free class run by yours truly … this was the sample layout I did. If you want to have a go at it, you can pop on over to the forum and check out the instructions! I’d love to see what you come up with.

Some sad news, but also some great news if you are after a bargain. One of my bestest friends in the world, the gorgeous Nicole, has made the difficult decision to close down her business, Acacia Papercrafts. They are a wholesaler of some fantastic brands, including MME, Daisy Bucket, Reminisce and Everlasting Keepsakes. They have just opened up their ordering process, so that members of the public can order directly, and save heaps! Check out the blurb …


Acacia Paper Craft is now live to the public… both online and at our premises.

Visit our website, and register. We will issue you with a username and password (you’ll receive advice via email) and you can shop til your hearts content!

We are also open at 5-7/12-14 Campbell Street, Blacktown NSW 2148 from 10 to 2pm Monday to Friday. We are located above Campbell Street Medical Practice. Feel free to pop in for a browse and to grab a bargain!

Tell your friends, family, even strangers in the street! Everything must go! All genuine wholesale pricing, some products even below cost!

Will be looking forward to packing your order (and your friends… and your friend of a friends… and their friends! lol)

Feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested… there is some great stuff to be had, but it’s not going to last forever, so I suggest you get in quickly!

K, that’s it from me for today … take care!

July 13 2008

A bit of a sunday share!

I love school holidays. Sleeping in. Reading. A few glasses of wine. Dealing with my own kids, and NOT everyone else’s. The only thing I don’t like about them is that they are so short. Ho hum. We are already halfway through them!
Today is a pretty exciting day – for christmas last year, we got Kieran a voucher for a session in a flight simulator at Flight Experience Darling Harbour. Today is the day! Man, they are hard to book into – they’re so busy! The only downside is Dennis can’t get off work until 3.30 – Kieran’s appointment is 5.30. I was hoping we’d get into the city heaps earlier, and spend some time wandering around, but no, we’ll probably just get there in time, with all the expected pilgrim delays! Dennis and I get to be his passengers, so I’ve got the batteries all charged up! Kierna wants to be a fighter pilot, so he’s been hanging for today to get here.
I’ve been scrapping heaps these holidays! Here are a few of the layouts I’ve done over the past week. For the last few weeks I was making thankyou cards for Nan to send out after Pa’s funeral. (Note to self: get a cuttlebug of your own before you give this one back to Tracey!) I’ve had fun, pulling out some older products I’ve had laying around for a while and scrapping just for the fun of it.

A few of these were for the Scraptherapy CC last weekend, and the (Im)perfect one was from Bon’s blind scrap – thanks Bon! I’ve done more this weekend, but I’ll upload those next time. K, I’d better go and figure out the best parking for Darling Harbour … eep! Cya all later!

June 11 2008

A great weekend …

Well, what an awesome weekend! I spent Saturday pottering around the house with the kids. Sunday, I went to lunch with Belinda, and some of her friends, and had the BEST South African lamb burger at Latte-tude in Penrith … too yummy for words! It was topped off with a bottle of bubbly, in honour of the occasion – we were heading off to see Sex and The City! It was tops. Loved it. Loved even more that I was out of the house, and having a bit of fun … it seems like it’s been a very long time since I’ve had something to smile about!

The girls stayed at my sister’s place, and Kieran at Poppy’s, so Dennis and I had the house to ourselves. We watched some TV, and I did some scrapping. Then Monday morning, Dennis got up to go to work, and I slept in. Till about 10am. In TOTAL silence. It was blissful. I got up, and didn’t turn the tv on. I didn’t turn the radio on. It was just me, all alone in my house. Loved it to bits!! I enjoyed the silence for a while, then did a mountain of housework – washing, folding, sorting, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning, dusting, etc. It completely wore me out, but it felt good at the same time. It felt normal. (Well, anyone who knows me knows that me cleaning is so NOT normal – but you know what I mean! lol)

So, here are a couple of the layouts I scrapped … I’m pretty happy with them! I did a couple more too, but they are in varying states of completion, so I’ll share them when I’m done.

Oh yes … this is the infamous sketch from ScrapTherapy‘s Cybercrop on the weekend. I bow in reverence to all the people who are able to produce stunning sketches using their computer, but I’m a pen and paper kind of girl. Aren’t the stick figures … interesting? The kids at work hassle me every time I have to draw on the board. I tell them it could be worse … I could be their Art teacher! lol This sketch was used as inspiration for my “Big Bro” layout in the post below, and also the “Shine” one here. I’m really happy with Shine actually – love those pics of Tayla!

If you missed the CC, then you can always join in at LSBS this weekend, for their Friday the 13th cybercrop – it’s all about black, baby!

Well, that’s about it – Dennis is yelling at the TV. Apparently the ref is an idiot. I have NO idea how our kids are still asleep! So I think I’m going to curl up with a good book in bed, and try and get to sleep early tonight. Have a great week, everyone!

June 6 2008

One week on

It’s been one week of a world without Reg, and as he would have wanted, things are slowly but surely getting back to normal. The kids are fighting with each other again, with intermittent moments of clinging to each other for emotional support. Work, school, housework (well, if the truth be told, not too much housework – as I said, things are getting back to normal! lol).

It’s been a pretty productive week at work, considering I missed 2 days of it. I’ve organised an excursion at the last minute to take my Advanced English class to a Bells Shakespeare performance at another school. I ran a lesson this afternoon with the head teacher, deputy principal and principal as special guests – my year 7 class put on a meal of freeze dried survival style camping food, and had a great time testing out all the food, and inflicting the strawberry icecream dessert onto the guests. It was a lot of fun, but man, I’m exhausted! lol

This weekend is a long weekend here … I’ll be catching up on some of the aforementioned housework (never fear – we won’t get to display home tidy, I’m just aiming for non-post-psychlone tidy. I can live in hope!) I have reports to write. Eeeep! I have books to mark. And, at some point this weekend, I would like to get some scrapping done.

There is a CC on this weekend at ScrapTherapy – it’s BLING month, and the challenges are all up now, all sparkly and pretty, so hop on over to the forums and check it out! This is my sample layout for my sketch challenge … omg, you really need to go and check out my sketch, it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. Well, ok, maybe not as funny as 5 second films on YouTube (which you REALLY need to check out if you haven’t seen them!) but it tickled my fancy this afternoon and had me in stitches. Hmmm.

Ok, that’s about it from me … have a great weekend, especially those of you who get to have an extra day off!